Tuesday 9 September 2014

A Chanel Fall

When a few months ago the Chanel Fall Collection, États Poétiques, started to appear on the web I knew one thing was made for me: one of the Rouge Coco Shines. No shimmer, more color pay off? Count me in! I can’t get enough of sheer comfortable lipstick formulas.

Chanel Makeup Fall 2014

When I spotted the new collection at Sephora the things that were made for me, as it happens, became two. And so I left with the Ombre Essentielle in 106, Hésitation and the Rouge Coco Shine in 94, Confident.

As you can see it’s all a bit matchy-matchy there, but this doesn’t stop me to wear them together, as you can see in this Instagram picture.

Hésitation is a gorgeous pink plum that pulls a bit burgundy with the softest color-coordinated shimmer running through, and is wonderfully blendable. My favourite way to wear it is on the lid blended softly at the crease, with a simple line of black liner (my trusty Benefit They’re Real Push-Up liner!). As a bonus its red tones really make the green tinge of my eyes really stand out, and I love anything that does that!

Confident is a dark plummy pink that goes on smoothly on the lips leaving a gorgeous hint of colour with one swipe. With two it becomes more intense and looks more like muted plum on my fairly pigmented lips. It’s as gorgeous as I was hoping it to be!

Together they make the perfect make up for the upcoming autumn, which as you may have noticed I can’t wait for!

Have you picked anything up from this collection? Are you planning to do any autumn-inspired purchase?

Quando qualche mese fa la collezione autunnale Chanel, États Poétiques, incominciò ad apparire online capii subito che una cosa era fatta per me: uno dei rossetti Rouge Coco Shine. Senza shimmer, e con più colore? Eccomi! Non posso sottrarmi a una formula trasparente e confortevole.

Quando ho visto la nuova collezione da Sephora le cose fatte per me, come spesso capita, sono diventate due. E così ho portato via con me un Ombre Essentielle in 106, Hésitation e un Rouge Coco Shine in 94, Confident.

Come potete vedere è tutto un po’ matchy-matchy, ma ciò non mi ferma dall’indossarli insieme, come potete vedere in questa foto su Instagram.

Hésitation è un meraviglioso rosa prugna che tende un po’ al bordeaux con meravigliosi shimmer dello stesso colore, e si sfuma meravigliosamente. Il mio modo preferito di portarlo è sulla palpebra sfumato leggermente al confine con la piega, con una semplice linea di eyeliner nero (il mio fidato Benefit They’re Real Push-Up Liner!). In più accentua la componente verde dei miei occhi, e adoro qualunque cosa lo faccia!

Confident è un rosa prugna scuro che scorre morbidamente sulle labbra lasciando un meraviglioso velo di colore con una passata. Con due diventa più intenso e sulle mie labbra piuttosto pigmentate appare come un tenue prugna. È meraviglioso come speravo che fosse!

Insieme sono il look perfetto per l’autunno in arrivo, che come avrete notato aspetto con ansia!

Avete acquistato qualcosa di questa collezione? Pensate di fare qualche acquisto ispirato all’autunno?


  1. Confident is a gorgeous shade - I'm yet to try any Chanel lipsticks but I'm hoping to break that soon!

  2. Well it won't be an Hesitation for me... ! Love it !

  3. I pick up some lipsticks from their Autumn range but I miss Confident as it's sold out. It's really great for Autumn. Xx

  4. My hand is itching I want some goodies from the Chanel Fall Collection so bad - I'm actually going to check the Department store this weekend. I was told the collection coming, when, they didn't know. And yes, I did see your pic and it was gorgeous on you! (but what isn't? hehe). :-) xx

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  5. They are so beautiful and well, so good too! Rouge Allures have the best packaging though, that click! I only have one and it's a gorgeous shade they no longer make so it's my little treasure. Can't wait to see your choice :) xx

  6. Ahah love this! They're so worth it so go for it! ;) xx

  7. Yes it is, but there were so many good ones in there! It took me a while to decide if I wanted more than one ;) xx

  8. You're too kind! You're making me blush :) Hope it's there... It's really a beautiful collection worth seeing! And buying ;P Now I'm waiting for some Nars goodies to come to Sephora because they already had the testers out and I fell in love with so many things! I have to restrain myself but in my defense there's a good discount running at the moment... So a little treat won't hurt ;) xx

  9. Che bei colori! Chanel propone sempre delle collezioni molto azzeccate! Mi hai fatto venire voglia di fare un salto in profumeria a dare un'occhiata da vicino! ;-)


  10. Assolutamente perfetti!! Indosso anch'io molto volentieri la linea Rouge Coco Shine, la mia preferita!!! xx

  11. Gorgeous! love it! the blush is so pretty


  12. I want that gorgeous lipstick in 'Confident' ! Great picks, Gyudy!

  13. Oh wow that shadow is seriously stunning! That's such a pretty shade for A/W xxx

    Gemma | missmakeupmagpie.com

  14. In love with both picks! The lipstick is such a gorgeous shade!

    xprincessjas | x

  15. Hey Gyudy, you picked out two pretty pieces that are perfect for fall! I have quite some stuff from the collection. My favorites include Poesie, Aura, and Viva!

  16. Merita davvero, è una collezione splendida! Mi sono trattenuta, avrei voluto prendere ancora un paio di cose ;) xx

  17. Questi più recenti sono una bomba! Sono molto più pigmentati, non riuscivo a scegliere ;) xx

  18. Actually is an eyeshadow but you inspired me to give it a go as a blush! ;)

  19. It's so great, and definitely worth the splurge. Plus, it's Chanel ;) Thank you lovely! xx

  20. I had my eyes on the palette everyone loves but when I saw it I couldn't leave it there... It's so beautiful! ;) xx

  21. Yes it is! And the shadow is really one to swatch, I bet you're going to love it ;) xx

  22. I know, I know, your swatches of Poesie are still in my mind... But I wanted to be good and not buy the entire collection, so I chose this eyeshadow as it looked more unique! And I remember these lipsticks looking amazing on you ;) xx

  23. Thank you Fiona! Glad you like them ;) xx

  24. Gorgeous, can't ever go wrong with Chanel!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  25. You're right! There is something so special about it and the products are always great! ;) xx

  26. love your pics gal
    I got Viva from the collection and also the liner but that i understand is going to be permenent :)

  27. I saw that Chanel eyeshadow at the counter and I was itching to get it but I held off, its such a gorgeous shade!!! Great post, Chanel is truly a girls best friend haha (besides diamonds of course)

    Gaborillaa - Makeup and Beauty Blog | http://gaborillaa.blogspot.ca/

  28. This collection is gorgeous, love your picks too!!! ;) xx

  29. Yes, you're totally right! It feels so good to put a bit of Chanel luxury in our everyday life with some fabulous makeup ;) xx
