Sunday 8 February 2015

Rimmel Provocalips vs. Make Up For Ever Aqua Rouge

Scorri verso il basso per la versione italiana!
Provocalips finally landed in Italy too, and as soon as I saw them I had to pick one up to try them. I’m not a fan of their Apocalips range - the newish mat ones are a bit better but still not great for me - and me and liquid lipsticks have always had a bit of a troubled relationship, but these one truly intrigued me.
The obvious reason? They looked similar to Make Up For Ever Aqua Rouge, a product I turn to when I need a long lasting lip and I’ve recommended numerous time to friends, and I wanted to see how they compared.

Rimmel Provocalips versus MUFE Aqua Rouge

The application method is the same: you apply the colour, wait for 60 seconds keeping your lips apart for the colour to set and then apply the top coat to lock in the colour and add moisture and shine.

Rimmel Provocalips claims to be kiss proof, food proof whilst giving high impact colour. Lips are meant to feel smooth and moisturized all day long, avoiding uncomfortable tight feeling or dry lips. You obviously need a oil based makeup remover to take it off, but it’s something to expect just as you do with waterproof eye makeup.
The claims of Make Up For Ever Aqua Rouge are pretty much the same, as the coloured side is meant to be loaded in opaque pigments with a mat finish for a stable and long lasting effect, and the transparent texture of the top coat provides a laquer finish for shine and comfort.

Same application, same concept, really similar claims. How do they compare?

They both have a really fluid texture that’s really easy to apply. If you make a mistake you have a few seconds to correct it, but then they dry and they don’t move. I’d say they’re pretty much the same at this point: maybe the Rimmel one is slightly easier to apply as the texture is the tiniest bit thinner, but it’s not a remarkable difference.
When you apply the top coat the first difference is the applicator, as the Rimmel one is a typical sponge whereas the MUFE one is a brush. I prefer sponges, but what makes me slightly prefer the Rimmel one is the thinner texture of the top coat, as the MUFE one is slightly heavier on the lips and has a higher degree of shine.

But what makes the most difference in a product with such bold claims of lasting power has to be how it wears during the day, and that’s when my usual preference for high end makeup has failed. The Rimmel one is just more comfortable. Again, there aren’t clear differences as I still like the MUFE one, but let me explain.
The Rimmel one just feels more comfortable. With the MUFE one, after a couple of hours my lips start feeling a bit dry, but the lipgloss feeling of the top coat is still there and I know I’m not a big fan of that. With the Rimmel one, the top coat seems to melt with the lips leaving a more satin effect after a few hours, leaving a more comfortable overall feeling.
After talking, drinking and eating they’re both still there, but the way they wear off is again slightly different as the Rimmel one stains the lips bit more, whilst the MUFE one tends to disappear a bit more drastically starting where the lips meet. It means you need to be a little bit more careful after a long day of waring it or a big greasy meal (it can also mean eating a big salad with a bit more oil as it tends to break down the product), but you have to check the look of them both, not just the MUFE one.

Here we are, after careful testing I’ve come to a conclusion: for once, Rimmel hasn’t disappointed me and their product is my favourite. It’s more comfortable and lasts slightly better, and let’s not forget the lower price range.

Rimmel did it, and made me love one of their products! Have you tried these or similar products? What do you think of them?

I rossetti Rimmel Provocalips sono finalmente arrivati anche in Italia, e appena il ho visti ho dovuto subito prenderne uno per provarli. Non sono una fan della loro linea Apocalips - i più recenti a effetto mat mi piacciono un po’ di più ma non li trovo comunque entusiasmanti - e in generale non vado molto d’accordo con i rossetti liquidi, ma questi mi sono subito sembrati interessanti.
La ragione più ovvia? L’aspetto molto simile ai Make Up For Ever Aqua Rouge, un prodotto a cui mi rivolgo quando ho bisogno che il mio rossetto duri incredibilmente a lungo e che ho consigliato più volte ad amici, cosa che avrebbe reso il confronto interessante.

Il metodo di applicazione è lo stesso: si applica il colore, si aspettano 60 secondi senza far toccare le labbra per lasciare che il colore si fissi e si applica quindi il top coat per sigillare il colore e aggiungere idratazione e effetto lucido.

I Rimmel Provocalips sono pensati per essere a prova di baci e di cibo donando un colore intenso, donando alle labbra idratazione e morbidezza per tutta la giornata. Ovviamente serve uno struccante a base d’olio per rimuoverli, proprio come si fa con il trucco waterproof per gli occhi.
Le promesse dei Make Up For Ever Aqua Rouge sono praticamente le stesse, visto che la parte colorata è carica di pigmenti opachi per un effetto stabile e a lunga durata, e il lato trasparente dona un effetto lucido per dare luminosità e comfort.

Stessa applicazione, stesso concetto, promesse molto simili. Ma quali sono le differenze?

Hanno entrambi una texture molto fluida che è molto semplice da applicare. Se si fa un errore si ha qualche secondo per correggerlo, poi si fissano e non si muovono più. Direi che sono praticamente uguali a questo punto: quello Rimmel è forse leggermente più semplice da applicare visto che la texture è leggermente più sottile, ma non è una differenza degna di nota.
Quando si applica il top coat la prima differenza è l’applicatore: quello Rimmel è una tipica spugnetta mentre quello MUFE è un pennellino. Preferisco le spugnette, ma quello che mi fa davvero preferire quello Rimmel e la texture più leggera del top coat, visto che quello MUFE risulta più pesante sulle labbra e ha un effetto più lucido.

Ma quello che fa maggiormente la differenza in un prodotto con così grandi promesse di durata è il modo in cui si comportano durante la giornata, ed è proprio qui che la mia abituale preferenza per i prodotti di livello più alto è caduta. Il prodotto Rimmel è semplicemente più confortevole. Di nuovo, non c’è una differenza così tanto spiccata, ma ecco le mie impressioni.
Il rossetto Rimmel è più confortevole: con il rossetto MUFE, dopo un paio d’ore le mie labbra iniziano a sentirsi un po’ tirare, ma la sensazione “da lipgloss” del top coat è ancora lì e so di non essere una grande fan di ciò; con quello Rimmel invece, il top coat sembra fondersi con le labbra lasciando un effetto un po’ più satinato dopo qualche ora, lasciando un effetto complessivo più confortevole.
Dopo aver parlato, bevuto e mangiato entrambi sono ancora al loro posto, ma il modo in cui vanno via è di nuovo leggermente diverso visto che quello Rimmel tinge le labbra di più, mentre quello MUFE tende a sparire in maniera un po’ più drastica iniziando dal punto in cui le labbra si uniscono quando si parla. Questo significa che bisogna essere un pochino più attenti dopo una lunga giornata o dopo un pranzo particolarmente ricco di cibi grassi (il che può significare anche una grossa insalata condita con un po’ di olio in più visto che tende a far dissolvere il rossetto), ma vanno controllati entrambi, non solo quello MUFE.

Eccoci qua, dopo un test attento sono giunta alla mia conclusione: per una volta, Rimmel non mi ha delusa e il loro prodotto è il mio preferito. È più confortevole e dura leggermente meglio, e non dimentichiamoci il prezzo decisamente inferiore.

Rimmel ci è riuscita, e finalmente mi sono innamorata di uno dei loro prodotti! Avete provato rossetti di questo genere? Cosa ne pensate?



  1. I think I might have to give these a try I hated the apocalips so I haven't really looked at the range

    Coleoftheball xx

  2. I really need to get my hands on Provocalips, have read so many great things about it! I tried Apocalips and hated it, never seen a lipstick bleed as bad as it did.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  3. I hadn't thought to try either of these before, but you have me convinced to try out the Rimmel, especially as the price is so good! x

    Sarah |

  4. Great review! :)
    I feel the same way about any long lasting liquid lip color. They usually come with the uncomfortable "shrinkwrap" feeling. I'm intirigued to hear that the Rimmel one feels comfortable on!

  5. According to Lily Pebbles, the Provocalips was somewhat 'stuck' on her lips until the next day that she had to scrub it out, but to me it just faded out beautifully hours later. Great review! :)

  6. I actually really like Rimmels lip products, they are some of their best products!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  7. Ahh I often wonder how these two compare! Thanks for your thorough review and comparison! Guess it doesn't hurt now to try the Rimmel version. Besides being more comfortable, they are much cheaper, too!

  8. Great comparison! I haven't tried either but now I know which one to go for.

  9. I've not tried the MUFE but I really like the Rimmel Provocalips, once you applied them properly on the lips they don't move and don't dry out my lips. And are quite cheap as well, that makes them a winner in my eyes :) x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

  10. Really loved this comparison! I've been keen to find more long lasting lips stains - I'm currently in love with one from Chanel but it's like $30 and unavailable in the UK. I swatched the MUFE ones when I was in Greece but I just couldn't quite part with the money. I think I'll give one of the Rimmel ones a try, I hope I like them as much as you did :) xx

    One Little Vice - UK Beauty Blog

  11. Great comparison :) I have not tried either but I the Rimmel ones have been on my to try list for ages! There have been lots of top reviews on them lately so will probably pick up a few on the weekend xx

    Brenda BusyBee

  12. Awesome review! How funny, these are called Apocalips in North America :)

    Erin | Erin and Katherine Talk Beauty

  13. Yay! You found a Rimmel product you like. :-) When it comes to products like this (with the exception of my YSL Glossy Stains), I like to go for drugstore because I don't use stain type products as much as just regular lipstick. So this is good news. Hopefully we'll have them here soon!

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  14. Yes you have finally found a Rimmel product you love loool! they both sound pretty amazing

  15. I'd really like to try the Rimmel one of these - I've heard good things, and your review is great :) And I'm happy to hear the more budget product is the winner in this little scenario too!

    Milly //

  16. Ohh, glad to hear the Rimmel one is good! I was actually trying out the MUFE ones a few days back and none of the colours look good on me! I was mostly trying the nude ones.

  17. Good to know you prefer the Rimmel one, since I have much easier acces to the brand! I've seen these laying around in my local drugstores but never got around to give them a go. Looks like another addition to the drugstore wishlist, it's just neverending.. Do you maybe have a picture of you wearing the Rimmel one? ;)
