Thursday 19 February 2015

Roger&Gallet Crème Sublime Bois D'Orange Hands & Nails Cream

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I have a firm favourite I haven’t shared with you before, and it’s this wonder from Roger&Gallet. This wonderfully smelling hand cream, Crème Sublime Bois D’Orange, it’s been on my hands since it came out and it was about time I shared my thoughts on it!

Roger&Gallet Crème Sublime Bois D'Orange hand and nails cream

The beauty of Roger&Gallet is that every scent, and every product, have a story to tell. The Bois D’Orange range is an olfactive journey into the Andalusian gardens of the Alhambra in Grenada, under the orange trees of the Generalize Palace. It allows you to feel the vibrant sunshine, as well as the freshness of the leaf and the fruit, alongside the softness of the flower and the fresh sensuality of orange wood.

The range contains numerous products, from fragrances to oils and shower gels, but one of my favourite products has to be this hand cream. It contains argan oil and evening primrose oil, so is intensely nourishing and leaves the hand velvety soft, and it has SPF 15 too. The scent is absolutely divine: citrusy but toned down by the floral notes, it lingers on the skin for the longest time. It’s meant to be a nail cream too, and I find it actively nourishes the nails and the skin around them.

I love this nail cream, because of its moisturizing properties and the gorgeous scent. I also love that it dries fast, allowing you to go on with your day without waiting for your hand cream to dry but still achieving the desired result of soft and beautifully scented hands.

I love this so much that it’s become a part of my daily life and I almost forgot to talk you about it! Have you tried this hand cream? Or anything else from Roger&Gallet?

C’è un prodotto che uso quotidianamente ma di cui non vi ho mai parlato, ed è questa meraviglia Roger&Gallet. Questa crema mani dal profumo meraviglioso, Crème Sublime Bois D’Orange, è compagna delle mie mani fin da quando è uscita ed era proprio il momento che ve ne parlassi!

La bellezza di Roger&Gallet è che ogni profumo, ed ogni prodotto, hanno una storia da raccontare. La linea Bois D’Orange è un viaggio olfattivo nei giardini andalusi dell’Alhambra, a Granada, all’ombra degli aranci del Palacio de Generalife per cogliere la freschezza vibrante e soleggiata delle foglie e dei frutti, la soavità dei fiori, e la dolce sensualità del legno d’arancio, il Bois d’Orange.

Questa linea comprende numerosi prodotti, dalle fragranze agli oli ai gel doccia, ma uno dei miei prodotti preferiti è questa crema mani. Contiene olio di Argan e di Enotera, quindi è intensamente nutriente e lascia le mani morbidissime, oltre a possedere SPF15. Il profumo è assolutamente divino: agrumato ma ammorbidito dalle note floreali, rimane sulla pelle per lunghissimo tempo. È pensata per essere anche nutriente per le unghie, e trovo che infatti nutra anche le unghie e la pelle intorno.

Amo questa crema mani, per via delle sue proprietà idratanti e il profumo meraviglioso. Amo anche la rapidità di assorbimento, che ti permette di continuare con la tua giornata senza aspettare che la crema si asciughi ma senza sacrificare il risultato desiderato di mani morbide e piacevolmente profumate.

La amo così tanta che è diventata parte delle mie giornate e mi ero quasi dimenticata di parlarvene! L’avete provata? O avete provato qualche altro prodotto Roger&Gallet?



  1. I've had a sample of one of the Roger&Gallet perfumed waters and it smelled amazing! I've wanted to buy another one as the descriptions sound all divine but haven't got around to do it but now, you've remind me of the brand, I will definitely do it:) The cream sounds great! x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

  2. The hand cream and the story sound so good! I have yet to try R&G but will start from this one! Thanks for sharing this Gyudy! :-)


  3. Hello Gyudy,

    I have never heard of this brand, but it sounds lovely. It seems very popular, I must have been hiding under rock. Thanks for featuring this brand, now like a good little disciple, I am off to research this further :)


  4. I haven't tried any hand creams from Roger & Gallett. I did have a fragrance sample once from a beauty box and it smelt so good! :) x

    Brenda BusyBee | Bella & Bear Pro Makeup Brush Set Giveaway

  5. I don't think I've ever tried a hand cream from R & G but I do love the body mist from this range!

  6. spunds like nice one
    no havent tried anything from the brand

  7. I am addicted to R&G's amazing scents! They're just so stunning aren't they?! xx

    Gemma |

  8. Hey Gyudy, I'm glad you like this one so much! I think I actually tried this but didn't like it! For some reason, the texture bothered me a little. I guess I'm just not used to hand creams with an SPF? It does smell good tho :)

  9. I tried this the other day in a shop and was amazed by the formula wich is super hydrating but not greasy at all. Plus, the smell is gorgeous!

    Glam O’Clock
