Tuesday 15 July 2014

Formula X for Sephora

A few months ago this new brand of nail polishes started to appear in every U.S. haul, making us lust after them from afar. Then a couple of months ago the miracle happened, and Formula X came to Italy, with a immense variety of colours and finishes and a rather interesting “system” with a unusual cleanser inside.

Formula X, The System, Rocket Fuel

I have been using The System* for a few weeks, trying it with different brands and finishes of nail polishes. You first apply the Cleanser, then you go straight in with the Base, and after the polish you use the Top Coat.

The Cleanser is a really evanescent liquid that comes with a really thin brush: you can hardly see it going on the nail, as it dries as soon as it touches the nail. Does it work? I really have no idea, but the system has been working really well so I assume it does something.

The Base is a good smoothing one that protects the nail and makes the nail polish go on easily, and it dries quickly letting you apply the polish after a minute or so. I find it as good, if not better, as other base coats that claim to strengthen the nail: my nails split pretty easily when they’re too long and I’ve noticed it happen less using the system consistently every time I change my nail polish, which happens twice a week most times.

The Top Coat is really an excellent one. I was using Seche Vite before I started testing this one, and I was convinced that it was the best I could get. Well, I was wrong, this is even better. It makes the nail polish dry really quickly but it’s not as gloopy to apply, and protects the nail polish completely from accidental smudging after a matter of minutes from the application.

But how well makes the polish last day after day? For me it’s perfect: I usually keep the same polish on for four or five days, and I haven’t had a single chip with any brand of nail polish. I tested this with Essie, Chanel, Kiko, L’Oreal Paris… All of them lasted perfectly, even when I had to wash my hair just a few hours after application (this is the thing that usually destroys my nail polish the most, maybe I’m particularly vigorous when washing my hair!).

I’m converted? Yes, I am. I will alternate this with what I was using previously to avoid wasting, and maybe something will come along distracting me from this system, but I would happily buy this again in the future.
Formula X, The System, Rocket Fuel

But what about the nail polish? I have the shade Rocket Fuel and well, it’s awesome. For this one I don’t use the Top Coat to avoid ruining the beautiful satin effect. It’s almost mat on the nail, and it’s one of those shades that are a bit tricky to apply but smooth themselves while drying. It dries really quickly on its own (I usually paint my nails either on sunday morning or on a weeknight, and in both occasions I didn’t have any smudging after the usual 15 minutes I spend on the computer to let the polish dry), and it lasts pretty well, even if not as long as it would with the Top Coat on.

There are so many beautiful shades and finishes in this line that I look forward to trying more of them, being so impressed with this first try!

Have you already tried something from Formula X? Tell me in the comments!

Qualche mese fa questo nuovo marchio di smalti iniziò a comparire in ogni haul statunitense, lasciandoci a desiderarli da lontano. Poi un paio di mesi fa è accaduto il miracolo, e Formula X è arrivato in Italia, con la sua immensa varietà di colori e finish e un interessante “sistema” con uno strano detergente per unghie all’interno.

Formula X. The System, Rocket Fuel
Sto usando The System* da qualche settimana, provandolo con diverse marche e finish di smalto. Per prima cosa si applica il detergente, seguito dalla base, e dopo lo smalto si applica il top coat.

Il detergente è un liquido evanescente che viene applicato con un sottilissimo pennello: si riesce a malapena a vedere quando lo si passa sull’unghia perché asciuga appena la tocca. Funziona? Non ne ho davvero idea, ma il “sistema” sta funzionando davvero bene quindi posso solo supporre che faccia qualcosa.

La base è una buona base levigante che protegge l’unghia e rende semplice la stesura dello smalto, e si asciuga rapidamente facendo sì che si possa applicare lo smalto già dopo un minuto circa. La trovo altrettanto buona, se no di più, di altre basi che dicono di fortificare l’unghia: le mie unghie si sfaldano facilmente quando sono troppo lunghe, e ho notato che è successo di meno usando questo sistema con costanza ogni volta che cambio lo smalto, cosa che accade quasi sempre due volte a settimana.

Il top coat è davvero ottimo. Prima di cominciare a provare questo stavo usando il famoso Seche Vite, ed ero convinta che fosse il meglio che potessi trovare. Bene, mi sbagliavo, questo è ancora meglio. Fa asciugare lo smalto molto velocemente ma non è così denso e difficile da applicare, e protegge completamente lo smalto da sbavature accidentali dopo pochi minuti dall’applicazione.

Ma quanto fa durare lo smalto giorno dopo giorno? Beh, per me è perfetto: di solito tengo lo stesso smalto per quattro o cinque giorni, e non ho avuto una singola sbeccatura con nessuna marca di smalto. L’ho provato con Essie, Chanel, Kiko, L’Oreal Paris… Tutti sono durati perfettamente, anche quando mi sono dovuta lavare i capelli poche ore dopo l’applicazione (questa è l’attività che di solito distrugge di più lo smalto su di me, forse sono particolarmente vigorosa nel lavarmi i capelli!).

Sono convertita? Sì, lo sono. Alternerò questo “sistema” con i prodotti che stavo usando precedentemente per evitare sprechi, e forse qualcosa uscirà e mi distrarrà da questa novità, ma ricomprerei questi prodotti volentieri in futuro.

E a proposito dello smalto? Ho il colore Rocket Fuel e bene, è favoloso. Su questo non uso il top coat per evitare di rovinare il bellissimo effetto satinato. È quasi mat sull’unghia, ed è una di quelle tonalità che sono un po’ difficili da applicare ma si appianano da sole mentre asciugano. Asciuga molto velocemente anche da solo (di solito cambio lo smalto o di domenica mattina o in una serata infrasettimanale, e in entrambe le occasioni non ho avuto sbavature dopo i soliti 15 minuti passati al computer per lasciar asciugare lo smalto), e dura abbastanza a lungo, anche se meno di quanto durerebbe con il top coat sopra.

Ci sono così tanti bei colori e finish in questa linea che non vedo l’ora di provarne altri, visto che sono rimasta così colpita!

Avete già provato qualcosa di Formula X? Ditemelo nei commenti!

Products are bought with my own money unless otherwise stated with a *. All opinions are my own.
Tutti i prodotti sono stati comprati da me, in caso contrario sono contrassegnati con un *. Tutte le opinioni sono personali.


  1. I have a couple of the Formula X polishes and I really like them. I've been wanting to try out the full System, though. Anything that promises to make my manicure last longer immediately catches my attention!


  2. These are for sure Bloggers favourite. I will try these whenever I get a chance to try them.

  3. It really does, it's amazing! Even with Chanel polishes that are really prone to chipping. ;)

  4. They are bloggers favourite for a reason, I really recommend them! ;)

  5. I've been seeing Estee of Essiebutton rave about these for a long while! i've been needing to get my hands on them! they look great xx

  6. I really want to get a couple more shades now because I've been so impressed! Let me know if you try any! :) xx

  7. I definitely will! And I see you've added Disqus to your blog as well ;-) xx

  8. I was finding it so handy to comment on other blogs using it ;) I love it! xx

  9. Yeah, I am liking Disqus as well! I love how it notifies of replies although I don't know if guest users receive notification if I've replied to their comment.

  10. I don't think they do, I remember reading it on the Disqus website...

  11. No chips??? Sounds amazing! Thanks for sending me a link to your blog on twitter hun. Loving it! followed. xx


  12. Since sunday I washed my hair twice and no chip in sight. I call it a miracle! Thank you lovely, I followed too! xx

  13. this is in my must things to buy wish-list
    looking pretty on u gal

  14. I've been loving the Formula X polishes lately. Recently reviewed Astrolady, Invincible and Demolition which are all awesome. I picked up the system about two months ago as well but haven't opened it yet, lol. I was trying to be good and use up my existing base/top coats. Great post it seems I have only good things to look forward to. BTW found you on TheBlogGuide link up :-)

  15. Thank you! Go for it, it's worth it :)

  16. Well done with the self control, I rarely manage to wait for so long! I'm happy you found me on the link up, I find it such a great idea! :) I followed your blog on bloglovin', now I'm going to read the reviews ;) xx

  17. Aww thanks hun, I also think the linkup is a wonderful concept. There is so much content these days, it's always great to be able to connect with other bloggers in a dedicated space. Gonna check you out on bloglovin as well....:-)

  18. I've just got one Formula X polish and I love it! It lasts so long
    Allison from http://www.mercuteify.com

  19. Which shade do you have? I really want to try more of them! :)
