Saturday 2 August 2014

Liebster Award

I have to thank a few lovely ladies for nominating me for the Liebster Award. I’m so happy you thought my little blog deserved this award! I’ve been nominated by the lovely Jina from BeautyBlogmark first, and then by Clare from Sparkle Blossom Beauty, Sierra from Lady Porter, Nina from Nina’s Style Blog and Aria from Aria’s Beauty Blog.

I’ve seen two different set of rules for this award:

1. Post the award on your blog.
2. Thank the blogger who presented the award and link back to their blog.
3. Answer the eleven questions posted by the presenter and ask eleven for your nominees.
4. Nominate eleven bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 1100 followers.
5. Let the nominees know you have nominated them.

1. Thank/link the blogger who nominated you.
2. Give 11 random facts about yourself.
3. Answer the 11 questions that they have written for you.
4. Nominate other bloggers with under 200 followers who you believe deserves the award.
5. Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer & let them know that they have been selected.

I’m going to do my best to include both set of rules writing my 11 random facts and nominating bloggers not too strictly under the 200 followers mark.
Since the questions were a lot I’ve tried to do my best and the only set of questions I’ve answered completely is the first I received from Jina. I still made sure to answer a good amount of questions from Clare, Sierra, Nina and Aria too ;)

11 random facts about me:
1. I love to drive, it’s one of my favourites things to do
2. My car is named Flash even though is just a Fiat Panda because of the Queen’s song
3. I’m a Libra and I think is the best zodiac sign (:P)
4. I’ve been with my boyfriend for nearly 7 years
5. I used to spend hours singing along to songs and I kinda miss that
6. I’m so good at tidying everything up as I am at making it last 5 minutes
7. I’ve never wanted to do my mum’s job but it seems it’s really about to happen, finally
8. I used to play the piano but know I only do it to help my little brother
9. I would like to have a black cat just to call him Sirius (Black)
10. I think my favourite colour is blue. No, maybe black is. (I still don’t know)
11. It’s nearly ten years since I’ve started visiting Sephora regularly to see what’s new. I need recovery.

Jina’s questions:
1.Why did you start blogging?
I’ve been reading beauty blogs for years and I’ve had my own in my mind since then. It was time to start writing to share my passion with the world!
2.What is your favorite movie?
The Blues Brothers by John Landis. Nothing even comes close, I just love it.
3.What piece of advice would you give to young girls?
Don’t compare yourself to others too much but still think about the fact that you’re meant to live around others.
4.What is your favorite quote and by whom?
"It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses.", Elwood Blues. I swear I couldn't think of anything more serious.
5.If sky is the limit, what would you like to do next?
I really have no answer to this question, as I would always want to do more.
6.What is your holy grail beauty product?
It may sound boring, but Bioderma Sebium Exfoliator, as it’s the only thing I wouldn’t change.
7.If you could travel anywhere in the world and money was no object, where would you go? Why?
I’d like to travel for years to spend enough time in all of the biggest cities in the world.
8.What is one lesson you’ve learned since started your blog?
Time will never be enough, but you need to find time to do the best you can and interact with people.
9.Is there a book that you’ve read that had inspired you?
I don’t think so, surely not blog-related.
10.What are your favorite blogs?
There are many more but my Favourite Bloggers of The Moment post is a good start.
11. One place in the world, you'd go back to any time...
London or Berlin. Now would be fine.

Clare’s questions:
What is your favourite season?
The end of summer, when my birthday is getting closer.
What is your favourite book?
Valerio Massimo Manfredi, Alexander.
Cats or Dogs?
What is your favourite part of being a blogger?
I love writing, I just do. And I love beauty, a lot.
How do you get inspired for your posts?
Ideas just come from all the beauty blogs reading I’ve done.
If you were a superhero which one would you be?
Who is your beauty icon?
I don’t think I have one, but I think Shakira is the most beautiful woman in the world.
If you could have dinner with one famous person living/dead who would it be?
The dinner wouldn’t be the main focus because I’d only want to hear Freddie Mercury sing in front of me.

Sierra’s questions:
If you had three wishes that would actually come true, what would they be?
A home with my boyfriend NOW, never have to think about my weight again and see problems halved.
What is your one holy grail makeup product?
Mascara. L’Oreal ones are my favourites!
If you had a fully paid for one week trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Fully paid… I thing Australia.
What is one thing that will always make you happy?
The people I love.
Who is your favorite character?
At the moment, Tyrion Lannister.
Do you prefer lots of makeup or no makeup?
Lots of makeup, but well applied.
Who inspires you the most in your life?
My boyfriend, as he always pushes me to do my best.

Nina’s questions:
Your favorite beauty brands
Urban Decay, Benefit, Too Faced
3 things you will never leave home without
My iPhone, my keys and my purse. Duh.
Have you traveled to other countries? If so, what was the most interesting thing about it.
I have and I adore discovering new places, to see the beautiful things they have to offer and the people who live there.
What's your profession?
I’m still a student, but I’m going to be a pharmacist.
Favorite dessert
Ice cream.
Favorite singer/band

Aria’s questions:
What is your dream holiday destination?
I love visiting new cities, and go back to the ones I love.
Flats or heels: what are you most comfortable in?
Flats that are not super flat, lol.
What is the one thing you wish you were really good at?
Always being neat, like all the time.
What's the most played song on your ipod/phone at the moment?
Fall Out Boy feat. John Mayer, Beat It.
Would you rather be surrounded by a large crowd or a few close friends? Why?
Few close friends. There are enough problems that way.
Who's that one celebrity that you're embarrassed to have ever had a crush on?
Ok, it’s not even a celebrity. Sirius Black from Harry Potter. And from the books, not the movies.
Name one thing on your wish list.
Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush.

My questions are:
1. Where are you from?
2. What’s you favorite kind of music?
3. Do you wear makeup every day?
4. Who’s your favorite writer?
5. Are you a coffee drinker?
6. What is your favorite beauty product in your possession?
7. What’s your favorite movie?
8. Do you prefer your eyes or your lips to be the main focus of your makeup?
9. Are you happy with your skincare routine at the moment?
10. What’s your favourite animal?
11. What’s your biggest fear?

My nominees:
Peaches and Corals

Don't forget to leave me the link to your post in the comments :)

EDIT: I've been nominated today by the lovely Kelsey from Leather And Lipstick, please make sure to check her out too!
Check out the lovely Rach too! You can find her post here :)
Don't forget about Liz, here's her post! ;)


  1. OMG. First, congratulations on the award, well deserved. Second, thank you so much, Gyudy. I can't believe you would think of me - I feel honoured and touched. Will work on this!

  2. I had to include you, I love your blog too much! I also enjoy reading some random facts and answers from people I enjoy reading, so this was necessary ;) You totally deserve this! Thank you :) xx

  3. Gratz with the award it's well derserved! I love these nomination posts it really gives a cchance to get to know the blogger behind the posts. I completely understand what you mean with flat shoes without being too flat! Nothing is worse than a completely flat shoe xd Also woo for liking Tyrion! Each season he just kicks more and more ass x)

    Thank you so much for nominating me, it's a really big honor, I will be making the post as soon as possible x3


  4. Love the Blues Brothers! It was great reading this & finding out so much about you! Xx

  5. Libra's for the win! :) Loved reading your answers X Maja

  6. Thanks so much for answering my questions, Gyudy! Congrats for being nominated numerous times-you're amazing! It's nice to get to know you better as well. I wish I could drive a car-it's time to learn :p But I already visualize myself driving a car, lol. It's so nice to hear that you have such a great relationship with your boyfriend. Wish you lots of love& happiness :) xx

  7. Thanks for answering my questions. Great post.

  8. This Liebster Award is so great! Love it when i see people giving back and spreading positivity!

  9. Ahah, awesome! Yay for common Tyrion and flat-noflat shoes love! Looking forward to your post ;) xx

  10. Thank you! Glad you enjoyed this post :) xx

  11. Ahah, awesome! Thank you! :) xx

  12. Thank you! You're so sweet :) And you make me blush with all the good things you said! I find driving my car one of the most relaxing things in the world, even in the city traffic, lol! Have the nicest day <3 xx

  13. Thank you! And thank you for nominating me! xx

  14. I'm blushing! :-) you're too kind.

  15. Yes, it's a really cool idea! :)

  16. Hey Gyudy!! I loved reading your answers and thank you so much for nominating me. Will do it this week. xx

  17. Thank you! You deserve it ;) Looking forward to your post, can't wait to read a bit more about you!!! :) xx

  18. Thank you for answering my questions! Love love love this kind of posts, I enjoyed so much discovering more about you! ;) xx
