Thursday 8 January 2015

Empties #3

It’s finally time to share another round of empties! I say it with so much enthusiasm because every time I see monthly empties posts from other blogs I’m so surprised… How can you finish so much in a single month? Well, here’s what I managed to finish since my last empties post!

Bioderma Anastasia Brow Wiz Alpha-H Lancome Kiko

Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micelle Solution
My favourite micellar water, end of the story. I always come back to it after trying new ones, because while others may remove makeup well whilst still being gentle this one just does everything better!

Alpha-H Balancing Cleanser
Part of the Alpha-H kit I bought in my first Cult Beauty order, it’s such an amazing cleanser! A mild non foaming cleanser, it’s great for morning use (you can find my morning routine that includes this cleanser here) as it cleanse the skin without being drying, and it makes the skin super soft! I’d totally repurchase this in the future, maybe in another amazing Alpha-H kit!

Kiko Skin Trainer Eyes
This is my oldest empties of this post, as I run out pretty soon after my last empties post. It’s a nice lightweight eye contour cream, slightly tinted and luminous, that works well under makeup. At the moment I’m using my Kiehl’s Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado, but I wouldn’t mind use this one again.

Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz
I already raved about it in this post, but seriously, this stuff is amazing as everyone says. I haven’t really liked a single eyebrow pencil before this one, and the few days I had to use something else while I was waiting for my second one to arrive I was lost. I ordered my third one the other day to avoid being without it again!

Lancôme Grandiôse Mascara
I love this mascara, I truly do. It beats everything I used in the past and everything I’ve tried after. Everything, from volume, to definition, to length, to blackness is perfect and I’m simply saving a repurchase for the day I walk into Sephora without the urge of trying something new. A true, true love.

Here they are, and they were all good ones! I can’t really force myself to finish something I don’t like, and in that case things simply get given away to someone else who might like them. That way I don’t have things I don’t use around and don’t feel guilty about it ;)

What have you finished recently? And what have you repurchased or plan to?

È finalmente arrivato il momento di condividere un altra tornata di prodotti finiti! Lo dico con così tanto entusiasmo perché ogni volta che vedo su altri blog post mensili sui prodotti finiti sono così sorpresa… Come fate a finire così tante cose in un solo mese? Beh, questo è quello che sono riuscita a finire dall’ultimo post!

Acqua Micellare Bioderma Sensibio H2O
La mia acqua micellare preferita, fine della storia. È quella a cui ritorno sempre dopo averne provate di nuove, perché nonostante altre possano rimuovere bene il trucco ed essere delicate questa lo fa semplicemente meglio!

Alpha-H Balancing Cleanser
Parte del kit che ho acquistato nel mio primo ordine da Cult Beauty, è davvero fantastico! Un detergente delicato e non schiumogeno, è perfetto per la detersione mattutina (potete trovare la mia routine che include questo prodotto qui) visto che deterge la pelle senza seccarla, e la rende morbidissima! Lo ricomprerei volentieri in futuro, magari in un altro kit Alpha-H!

Kiko Skin Trainer Eyes
Questo è il prodotto che ho finito da più tempo, poco dopo il mio ultimo post sui prodotti finiti. È un contorno occhi leggero, leggermente colorato e luminoso, e va benissimo sotto i trucco. Al momento sto usando il mio Kiehl’s Creamy Eye Concentrate con Avocado, ma non mi dispiacerebbe usare questo di nuovo in futuro.

Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz
Ne ho già cantato le lodi in questo post, ma seriamente, è fantastica come tutti dicono. Non mi è mai veramente piaciuta nessuna matita per le sopracciglia prima di questa, e nei pochi giorni in cui ho dovuto usare qualcos’altro nell’attesa che arrivasse di nuovo mi sono sentita persa. L’ho ordinata per la terza volta l’altro giorno per evitare di rimanere di nuovo senza!

Lancôme Grandiôse Mascara
Amo questo mascara, lo amo davvero. Batte tutti quelli che ho provato prima e tutto quello che ho provato dopo. Tutto, dal volume, alla definizione, alla lunghezza, al super nero è perfetto e sto semplicemente aspettando il momento in cui entrerò da Sephora senza il desiderio di provare qualcosa di nuovo per ricomprarlo. Un vero amore!

Eccoli qua, e tutti prodotti fantastici! Non riesco proprio a costringermi a finire qualcosa che non mi piace, e in quel caso le cose finiscono semplicemente per essere date a qualcun altro a cui potrebbero piacere. In questo modo non ho in giro cose che non uso e non mi sento in colpa ;)

Quali prodotti avete finito di recente? E cosa avete ricomprato o pensate di ricomprare?



  1. That Bioderma micellar water seems like a world-wide favorite amongst beauty lovers!

  2. Raises hands. I'm guilty - of being one of those bloggers that seems to eat products, haha. That being said, I've had my Bioderma for months now with no end in sight, hehe. :-)

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  3. i have NO idea how people finish up products every single month, i've got some empties in a drawer waiting for when i feel like doing an empties post, but i can't imagine going through that much product that i could do a post each month. i love that alpha h cleanser though, i think last year at christmas time they did a bundle that was a full size of that cleanser free when you buy a bottle of liquid gold and i gave liquid gold as a gift to my mum that year and ended up with two of the cleansers because she didn't need it. i've finished up one a while ago but i'm still going on the other!

    jessica -

  4. I know, and every other one I try makes me think it's worth the hype! ;) xx

  5. The big bottle lasts for a really good while! ;) You know I was talking of you, hihi... :P xx

  6. Sounds like an amazing deal! I'd definitely repurchase it as it lasted me ages and was the little size ;) I know, it sounds nearly impossible to me! Even with exclusive daily use I seem to never get through products! ;) xx

  7. That's really good job - so many empties
    U finished the mascara so soon ? U really love that product

  8. Well, I started using it in September so in the end 4 months is not too bad! It's so so amazing though, I just love it! :) xx

  9. I remember that ma gal
    ya u seem to be really loving it
    I so so want it dont know when :)

  10. I was so skeptical as it's really expensive, but I've loved so much using it! I hope you like it as much as I do! :) xx

  11. i know dear considering it is mascara.
    yes i so want to buy but currently i own atleast 5-6 mascars so waiting for them to finish ;)
    Hope u r having good weekend Gyudy

  12. Thank you so much, hope you're having a great one too darling! :)

  13. I, too, return to Bioderma every time I try something different.

    Have you tried anything else of the Alpha-H range? I love Liquid Gold and will start testing their moisturizer next week.

    Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  14. I tried a few other products that were in the set with the cleanser, and I loved them too! Liquid Gold is great and I use it a few nights a week! I love their SPF50 moisturizer, which one are you going to try? :) xx

  15. Thank you! I totally get you, it took me four months to finish these 5 products, so literally ages! Thank you so much for your kind words, so glad you're enjoying my blog! :) xx

  16. You have finished some AHHMAZING products. Bioderma is such an amazing product that I must have used up 5-6 bottles already

  17. I recently bought the Garnier Miccelar water-and I really like it. I can imagine how I'd love the Bioderma one :)

  18. It's the one I've been using on and off too, I love it! How are you finding it? :)

  19. It feels like applying sunscreen. As far as what it does to my skin, it is too early to tell.
